La thermodynamique a pour objectif l’étude de l’échange d’énergie et de matière entre certaines parties de l’univers ,l’Univers Est l’ensemble de l’espace et de la matière accessible à notre connaissance. Nous privilégions parfois l’étude d’une partie de l’Univers, que nous appellerons système, Le reste de l’Univers est l’extérieur du système.
- Teacher: mansouria hammou
Cours destiné aux étudiants de la première année ST.
L'objectif est de maitriser les techniques de base en programmation et en algorithmique et d'acquérir les concepts fondamentaux de l’informatique.
Les compétences à acquérir sont : La programmation avec une certaine autonomie ; La conception d’algorithmes du plus simple au relativement complexe.
- Teacher: leila belhadef
- Teacher: kamel hocine
- This English course is designed for first year technical science students. English is one of the most used languages in the world, both in business and in everyday life. It is therefore essential in many fields and attracts more and more people wishing to master it - Use language flexibly and effectively for relationships social or professional.
Semestre: 2
Unité d’enseignement: UET 1.2
Matière 1: Langue Anglaise 2
VHS: 22h30 (Cours: 1h30)
Crédits: 1
Coefficient: 1
Develop the reading, writing, listening and speaking abilities of the students.
Recommended prior Knowledge:
Basic English.
The English syllabus consists of a set of texts containing scientific and technical parts. The chosen texts
must be used to study scientific and technical English and Grammar acquisition.
The texts must be selected according to the vocabulary built up, familiarization with both scientific and
technical matters in English for further understanding. Therefore, each text will be defined by a set of
vocabulary concepts, a set of special sentences (idioms) and comprehension questions.
The texts must contain also a terminology which means the translation of some words from English to
French one. Besides, the activity at the end of each session must include a translation of long
statements which are selected from the texts.
Examples for some lectures: Examples of Word Study: Patterns
Chain Reaction.
Reactor Cooling System.
Conductor and Conductivity.
Induction Motors.
Liquid Flow and Metering.
Liquid Pumps.
Road Foundations.
Rigid Pavements.
Piles for Foundations.
Suspension Bridges.
Explanation of Cause
Conditions (if), Conditions (Restrictive)
When, Once, If, etc. + Past Participle
It is + Adjective + to
It is + Adjective or Verb + that…
Similarity, Difference
In Spite of, Although
Formation of Adjectives
Phrasal Verbs
Evaluation mode:
Exam : 100%.
1. J. Upjohn, S. Blattes, V. Jans, Minimum Competence in Scientific English, Office des Publications
Universitaires, 1994.
2. A.J. Herbert, The Structure of Technical English, Longman, 1972.
3. S. Berland-Delepine, Grammaire méthodique de l’anglais moderne avec exercices, Ophrys,
4. Test of English as a Foreign Language – Preparation Guide, Cliffs, 1991.
5. R. Fowler, The Little, Brown Handbook, Little, Brown Company, 1980.
6. Cambridge – First Certificate in English, Cambridge books, 2008.
7. K. Wilson, Th. Healy, First Choice, Oxford, 2007.
8. M. Mann, S. Tayore-Knowles, Destination : Grammar & Vocabulary with Answer Key,
MacMillan, 2006.
9. E. Hamby, Ph. Bedford Robinson, Special English Computer Applications, Cassell, 1980.
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Socle commun Sciences et Technologies Année: 2018-2019
10. P. Charles Brown, Norma D. Mullen, English for Computer Science, Oxford University Press,
11. Graeme Kennedy, Structure and Meaning in English: A Guide for Teachers, Pearson, 2004.
12. Anne M. Hanson, Brain-Friendly Strategies for Developing Student Writing Skills, 2nd Edition,
Corwin Press, 2008.
13. Ann Bridges, How to Pass Higher English, Hodder Gibson-Hachette, 2009.
Claude Renucci, Anglais : 1000 Mots et expressions de la presse : Vocabulaire et expressions du
monde économique, social et politique, Fernand Nathan, 2006
- Teacher: nadia mekhaldi