Part 1: Synthesis : (En)
1- Definitions, classification, nomenclature, importance of the discipline.
2- Polycondensations: definitions, kinetic study, three-dimensional structures,molecular distributions.
3- Polyadditions: definitions, kinetic study, three-dimensional structures, molecularmolecular distributions.
4- Radical copolymerisations.
5- Dispersed-state polymerisations.
Second part:
1- Study of systems formulated from emulsions (normal and inverse).
2- Study of surfactants (structure, classification, choice of the right surfactant for theapplication, properties at interfaces, organisation in solution).
3- Nature, stability and characterisation of emulsions.
4- Study of encapsulation (micro, nano) based on the three main families of processes(physical, physico-chemical, chemical).